Cohort 4 (2022-2026)

Abby Brumwell

Institution: Newcastle University

Project Title: Linking epigenomics with cellular senescence to identify novel therapeutics for osteoarthritis

Project Summary: Osteoarthritis (OA) is caused by degradation of cartilage and accompanying structural changes to surrounding tissues in the articulating joints. However, no disease modifying OA drugs (DMOADs) are available and treatment is limited to pain relief and joint replacement surgery. Recent research has shown that cellular senescence in articular cartilage contributes to OA pathogenesis, and that selective removal of senescent cells (SnCs) can prevent the onset and progression of OA. In this project we will screen novel senolytic and senostatic molecules for the selective ablation of SnCs and further test these molecules for their efficacy to treat OA.

Interesting Fact: I’m a PADI certified Advanced Open Water Diver